Its shell was made of an opaque white enamel and it contained a gold yolk. 这枚彩蛋的弹壳是由它不透明的白釉制作,里面的蛋黄用金子制作。
Application feasibility of SnO2-ZrO2 opaque for enamel production was investigated and optimum recipe was obtained. 初步研究了锡、锆乳浊釉在珐琅生产中的应用可行性,并确定了最佳配方。
High Thermal Expansion Titania Opaque Enamel 高膨胀钛白釉研究
Three types of light-cured opaque materials were developed base on the result. Studies on the properties and mechanisms of their ability bonding to human enamel in vitro and two kinds of dental casting alloys were carried out. 根据结果配制了三类剂型的光固化遮色材料,研究这些遮色材料与人牙釉质和各种牙科铸造合金的粘结性能和机理。